
Welcome to the world of stunt riding

Like to know more, get in touch.
We share private insight and assistance with those who wish to expand skills and control, two wheels, and more. One of the best places to start is via our private coaching; including one to one coaching and the use of the wheelie machine live feedback and aiding rider calibration, refining control. Tailored to a wide range of age, skill level, and private events.

Freestyle stunt riding has been growing rapidly in popularity over the past decade, leading to commercial backing and factory sponsorship. Thanks to the efforts and hard work from riders, event organisers, and promoters around the globe, stunt riding continues in popularity as a motorsport worldwide.

Every year, the number of people taking part in freestyle stunt riding increases and fuels the interests of those who follow. The demand for new products and level of riding pushes the sport to new frontiers.

Some say… ‘If you’re not crashing, then you’re not trying hard enough’. With that in mind, the importance of the correct protection is paramount in training and performing. More so when self preservation and riding for tomorrow is a main focus

When learning to caliblate with a motorcycle outside of the norm, you will need a deadicated tool adapted for purpose. Including the ability for it to be put on the ground when things do not quite go to plan; stunt cage, personal protection including armour, boots, gloves, helmet and plenty of water and a good first aid kit is a basic foundation.

For more information and to share specific requrements, click here.

Political wheelie action with MP